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7 Opportunities for Increasing Supply Chain Visibility

July 11, 2022

If there are any blind spots in a business’s logistics process—anytime that the exact location of a freight asset is unknown—then that business has a supply chain visibility issue. According to a 2022 report in Talk Business, “57.4% of shippers require carriers to provide real-time visibility before they can earn shippers’ business.” With the logistics industry placing more emphasis on supply chain visibility benefits than ever before, it’s time for businesses to focus on increasing supply chain visibility.

1. Know Your Volume Commitments and Whether You’re Using Allocated Space

From missed deliveries to soured business relationships, stepping outside the parameters of a shipping contract can create a cascade of problems. By placing all of a business’s logistics data on an easy-to-use, fully-integrated logistics platform, intuitive programming interfaces (API) allow companies to keep track of the exact volume and space parameters of any logistics arrangement. Tech-enabled solutions to improve supply chain visibility can save businesses from time-consuming post-exception blame games and ensure they’re running their logistics as smoothly as possible while increasing supply chain visibility. 

2. Aggregate Data on Container Predicted ETAs

By utilizing recent advancements in API technology, businesses can gain a real-time understanding of an ocean freight asset’s estimated time of arrival (ETA) and improve supply chain visibility. As a result, they can better prepare for freight arrivals and respond in real-time to inevitable logistics crises. Increasing supply chain visibility will enable businesses access to the data they need to make fast decisions in a volatile logistics landscape. 

3. Gain Visibility into the Performance of Your Carriers 

Increasing supply chain visibility allows for greater insight into container status and carrier performance. Providing access to critical data points with an integrated API can illuminate performance inefficiencies at the port, on the road, or over the rails and provide actionable insights. A competitive logistics marketplace is an opportunity to improve supply chain visibility.  

4. Integrate Your Systems to Capture and Share Data Automatically

An integrated API can enable businesses to revolutionize their electronic data interface (EDI) capabilities. With an easily integrated API, companies can improve supply chain visibility and provide their partners with real-time access to invaluable information. Companies can use their existing software infrastructure as an intermediary through which supply chain visibility solutions providers can work, allowing all parties within a logistics chain access to real-time performance data and live container monitoring

5. Focus on Real-Time Transparency in All Activities; Automate Push Notifications

Improving supply chain visibility shouldn’t stop once an ocean freight asset arrives at port. An integrated API can provide real-time tracking, allowing businesses to know where their assets are, where they’re going, and how quickly they’re getting there, increasing supply chain visibility. This information, coupled with automated push notifications, can enable businesses to handle real-world logistics crises in real-time.  

6. Pipe Carrier Data into Your Existing Systems of Record

An integrated API can fit easily into a business' existing systems of record. This combined data maintenance approach allows easy access to carrier-specific analytics, which companies can then use to evaluate efficiency at every step of a freight asset’s journey and improve supply chain visibility. In a competitive logistics marketplace, increasing supply chain visibility and ensuring that a supply chain operates as efficiently as possible is key to maintaining fruitful customer relationships–and the bottom line.

7. Remember the Role of Digital Document Management Too

With freight exception costs higher than ever, businesses must have easy, shareable access to shipping documents. By increasing supply chain visibility and providing access to digital proof of delivery, bill of lading, and other shipping documents, API-enabled businesses can provide their clients with full logistics transparency. This kind of accountability is key to keeping customers happy in a high-stakes logistics environment. 

Increase Supply Chain Visibility with VIZION API

Working to improve supply chain visibility is a fast, efficient solution to many of today’s most pressing supply chain issues; with new logistics technology, the possibilities are nearly endless. Supply chain visibility benefits, in the form of an integrated API, are a tech-enabled, 21st century way to show your customers that you’re working on getting them their shipment on time. To improve supply chain visibility, book a demo with Vizion API today, and see what the future of logistics can do for you.

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7 Opportunities for Increasing Supply Chain Visibility

July 11, 2022

If there are any blind spots in a business’s logistics process—anytime that the exact location of a freight asset is unknown—then that business has a supply chain visibility issue. According to a 2022 report in Talk Business, “57.4% of shippers require carriers to provide real-time visibility before they can earn shippers’ business.” With the logistics industry placing more emphasis on supply chain visibility benefits than ever before, it’s time for businesses to focus on increasing supply chain visibility.

1. Know Your Volume Commitments and Whether You’re Using Allocated Space

From missed deliveries to soured business relationships, stepping outside the parameters of a shipping contract can create a cascade of problems. By placing all of a business’s logistics data on an easy-to-use, fully-integrated logistics platform, intuitive programming interfaces (API) allow companies to keep track of the exact volume and space parameters of any logistics arrangement. Tech-enabled solutions to improve supply chain visibility can save businesses from time-consuming post-exception blame games and ensure they’re running their logistics as smoothly as possible while increasing supply chain visibility. 

2. Aggregate Data on Container Predicted ETAs

By utilizing recent advancements in API technology, businesses can gain a real-time understanding of an ocean freight asset’s estimated time of arrival (ETA) and improve supply chain visibility. As a result, they can better prepare for freight arrivals and respond in real-time to inevitable logistics crises. Increasing supply chain visibility will enable businesses access to the data they need to make fast decisions in a volatile logistics landscape. 

3. Gain Visibility into the Performance of Your Carriers 

Increasing supply chain visibility allows for greater insight into container status and carrier performance. Providing access to critical data points with an integrated API can illuminate performance inefficiencies at the port, on the road, or over the rails and provide actionable insights. A competitive logistics marketplace is an opportunity to improve supply chain visibility.  

4. Integrate Your Systems to Capture and Share Data Automatically

An integrated API can enable businesses to revolutionize their electronic data interface (EDI) capabilities. With an easily integrated API, companies can improve supply chain visibility and provide their partners with real-time access to invaluable information. Companies can use their existing software infrastructure as an intermediary through which supply chain visibility solutions providers can work, allowing all parties within a logistics chain access to real-time performance data and live container monitoring

5. Focus on Real-Time Transparency in All Activities; Automate Push Notifications

Improving supply chain visibility shouldn’t stop once an ocean freight asset arrives at port. An integrated API can provide real-time tracking, allowing businesses to know where their assets are, where they’re going, and how quickly they’re getting there, increasing supply chain visibility. This information, coupled with automated push notifications, can enable businesses to handle real-world logistics crises in real-time.  

6. Pipe Carrier Data into Your Existing Systems of Record

An integrated API can fit easily into a business' existing systems of record. This combined data maintenance approach allows easy access to carrier-specific analytics, which companies can then use to evaluate efficiency at every step of a freight asset’s journey and improve supply chain visibility. In a competitive logistics marketplace, increasing supply chain visibility and ensuring that a supply chain operates as efficiently as possible is key to maintaining fruitful customer relationships–and the bottom line.

7. Remember the Role of Digital Document Management Too

With freight exception costs higher than ever, businesses must have easy, shareable access to shipping documents. By increasing supply chain visibility and providing access to digital proof of delivery, bill of lading, and other shipping documents, API-enabled businesses can provide their clients with full logistics transparency. This kind of accountability is key to keeping customers happy in a high-stakes logistics environment. 

Increase Supply Chain Visibility with VIZION API

Working to improve supply chain visibility is a fast, efficient solution to many of today’s most pressing supply chain issues; with new logistics technology, the possibilities are nearly endless. Supply chain visibility benefits, in the form of an integrated API, are a tech-enabled, 21st century way to show your customers that you’re working on getting them their shipment on time. To improve supply chain visibility, book a demo with Vizion API today, and see what the future of logistics can do for you.