Greenhouse Gas CO2 Monitoring

The Greenhouse Gas CO2 Monitoring report provides analytics-ready data that enables cargo owners and freight forwarders to obtain accurate CO2 emission values for their shipments tracked with the Vizion API.

A chart showing CO2 emissions for various shipping routes with specific amounts: CNSGH to BRPNG (2.255 t CO2e), MYPEN to USLAX (1.986 t CO2e), CNSGH to SIKOP (1.478 t CO2e), CNSHK to HRRJK (1.339 t CO2e), and SIKOP to USSAV (1.182 t CO2e). Below the chart is a line graph displaying monthly CO2 average trends from February to December, with noticeable peaks in June and October.

Changing Carrier Requirements Require Better Monitoring

The report empowers companies to prioritize decarbonization at the source and reduce emissions directly. Incorporate sustainability criteria into procurement processes, providing opportunities to significantly reduce the supply chain footprint.

Shippers can evaluate the sustainability performance of their suppliers by assessing the sourcing practices, the environmental and social responsibilities of a supplier, and how a supplier is in compliance with industry sustainability standards.

Supplier diversity is an important KPI that procurement managers monitor. Having a more diverse supplier base can reduce transportation distances and empower more strategic decisions, by having access to more options.

The carbon footprint of a company’s freight procurement includes transportation for every shipment, across all carriers and modes of transport. The iterative process of measurement, goal setting, and monitoring progress gives procurement managers a clear path to reducing Scope 3 emissions.

Many sources of container tracking data are not updated frequently enough to be useful. Vizion's container trace data lets you track in real-time and at a granular level, so you can monitor your shipments and prepare logistically for their arrival.

A performance report for Jacksonville port showing a 7-day average processing time of 4.738 days. The report indicates a week-over-week performance improvement of -0.560 days (-10.6%) as of 10/13/2023. A line graph displays the fluctuating 7-day average performance over a span of 10 days, and the total number of vessels berthed in 365 days is noted as 588.

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Greenhouse Gas CO2 Monitoring

The Greenhouse Gas CO2 Monitoring report provides analytics-ready data that enables cargo owners and freight forwarders to obtain accurate CO2 emission values for their shipments tracked with the Vizion API.

Vizion GHG graphic showing various information from shipment details
Ship at sea with graphic shipping data overlayed

Accurate CO2 Values

Obtain precise CO2 data to accompany your tracked container at the completion of its multimodal journey.

Comprehensive Emission Data

Even if there isn't enough data on the provided IMO, or if an incorrect IMO number is passed (or no IMO is provided), the system estimates CO2e emissions based on trade lanes using GLEC coefficients. The response includes Scope 3 emissions, encompassing CO2e Well-to-Wheels (WTW) emissions for the shortest route, with detailed breakdowns of emissions from main engines, auxiliary engines, and boilers.

Customization to meet the needs of your business

You can adjust the number and size of containers, even using non-integer values for accurate CO2 calculations, including LCL shipments. By default, emissions are returned for one TEU. If you don't know the number of containers, you can provide weight and/or volume data, and Vizion’s CO2 reporting will estimate the container count.

Changing Carrier Requirements Require Better Monitoring

The report empowers companies to prioritize decarbonization at the source and reduce emissions directly. Incorporate sustainability criteria into procurement processes, providing opportunities to significantly reduce the supply chain footprint.

Shippers can evaluate the sustainability performance of their suppliers by assessing the sourcing practices, the environmental and social responsibilities of a supplier, and how a supplier is in compliance with industry sustainability standards.

giant chimneys over clouds with fossil fuels burning

Supplier diversity is an important KPI that procurement managers monitor. Having a more diverse supplier base can reduce transportation distances and empower more strategic decisions, by having access to more options.

giant chimneys over clouds with fossil fuels burning

The carbon footprint of a company’s freight procurement includes transportation for every shipment, across all carriers and modes of transport. The iterative process of measurement, goal setting, and monitoring progress gives procurement managers a clear path to reducing Scope 3 emissions.

giant chimneys over clouds with fossil fuels burning

Many sources of container tracking data are not updated frequently enough to be useful. Vizion's container trace data lets you track in real-time and at a granular level, so you can monitor your shipments and prepare logistically for their arrival.

graphic information overlayed onto a cargo ship at sea

How it works

Vizion Computes Emissions Using Widely Accepted Industry Standards: CO2e reporting is derived from IMO Greenhouse Gas Studies and the GLEC framework. The carbon emissions report is calculated from variables of speed, distance, and fuel consumption.

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Get the Most Advanced Visibility Into the Journey of Your Ocean and Rail Containers

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Shipping container at sea
A cargo owner saves 15 hours each week by replacing manual track-and-trace processes with automated updates from Vizion.
3rdwave leverages Vizion to give customers better data.
Century surfaces port performance data in its VIZIV platform.