Welcome to TradeView Beta Access!

What is TradeView?

TradeView offers insights into global maritime and shipping activities, providing essential traceability to assess performance, mitigate risk, and deeply analyze shipment history for over 500 million consignees, suppliers & logistics providers.

With TradeView, you can effortlessly monitor the live shipment flow of any geography, cargo type, or company, tracking their journey from time of booking to arrival at the destination port. Gain access to important shipment details like H.S. code, Cargo Value, Canceled/Delayed Shipments, and Vessel/Route details. 

Additionally, leverage the platform to analyze trends spanning a decade of historical data on suppliers, products, and logistics networks, empowering you to make informed decisions based on comprehensive insights.

Use Cases Available for Beta Testing

Sales prospecting tool for Logistics Service Providers who are looking for customers of certain characteristics (i.e. annual TEU volume, goods value, goods type, LSPs used, etc.)
Competitive intelligence analysis tool for Beneficial Cargo Owners and Shippers to monitor and aggregate shipping trends on goods volume and value
Visualize the supplier network of thousands of cargo owners
Market activity signals for Capital Markets Analysts who are looking for change in volume of goods shipped
Discover what products and companies will be moving container shipments 30-90 days in the future with goods identified
Evaluate supplier risk (i.e. sanctions, financial, ESG) in one's' own supply chain
Evaluate trade lane performance by carrier to select service providers

Gain Exclusive Beta Access

As a valued beta user, you'll be at the forefront of innovation, gaining exclusive access to TradeView before it hits the market. Join our beta program to experience firsthand the power and potential of our platform.

What the Beta Program Offers:

  • Early Access: Be among the first to explore and utilize TradeView Global Insights and Data Explorer features.some text
    • Beta Users will enjoy full access to TradeView for 14 days at no cost, with the option to continue at discounted pricing thereafter.
  • Direct Influence: Your feedback will shape the future of TradeView, ensuring that it meets the needs of businesses like yours.
  • Personalized Support: Our dedicated team will be on hand to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless beta experience.
  • Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead of the curve by leveraging TradeView to optimize your supply chain management strategies.

Expectations as a Beta User:

  • Exploration: Dive deep into the features and functionalities of TradeView to uncover its full potential.
  • Feedback: Share your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns with us regularly to help us refine and improve TradeView.some text
    • Commit to minimum one hour user interview during the 14 day trial period over video conference call
  • Patience: As we fine-tune and enhance TradeView based on your feedback, occasional updates and adjustments may be necessary. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work towards delivering the best possible product.

Ready to get started?

Seize this exclusive opportunity to revolutionize the way you monitor global trade. Join the TradeView beta program today and embark on a journey towards unparalleled visibility, efficiency, and success.

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Trusted by 40+ companies

Our company has been in a decade-long search to find a partner to provide our customers with the Container Tracking Information they have been telling us that they need. We couldn't be happier to be working with the Vizion team on this offering. We are very pleased with the data that is available and even more impressed with the level of support provided.
Tim Peck
Co-Owner, Visco Software

Get Supply Chain Industry Insights

Vizion sends tracking data to your ERP, TMS or other software system, allowing you to understand a container’s movements in real-time and plan ahead for arrival at its destination. With this level of visibility, you can frictionlessly manage the movement from sea to land and beyond.

A photograph of several blue shipping containers stacked against a backdrop of a cloudy sky, with one container featuring a small yellow dot.

Book a Demo

Are you ready to experience the many benefits of container visibility? Schedule a VIZION API demo today.

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Welcome to TradeView Beta Access!

What is TradeView?

TradeView offers insights into global maritime and shipping activities, providing essential traceability to assess performance, mitigate risk, and deeply analyze shipment history for over 500 million consignees, suppliers & logistics providers.

With TradeView, you can effortlessly monitor the live shipment flow of any geography, cargo type, or company, tracking their journey from time of booking to arrival at the destination port. Gain access to important shipment details like H.S. code, Cargo Value, Canceled/Delayed Shipments, and Vessel/Route details. 

Additionally, leverage the platform to analyze trends spanning a decade of historical data on suppliers, products, and logistics networks, empowering you to make informed decisions based on comprehensive insights.

Use Cases Available for Beta Testing

Sales prospecting tool for Logistics Service Providers who are looking for customers of certain characteristics (i.e. annual TEU volume, goods value, goods type, LSPs used, etc.)
Competitive intelligence analysis tool for Beneficial Cargo Owners and Shippers to monitor and aggregate shipping trends on goods volume and value
Visualize the supplier network of thousands of cargo owners
Market activity signals for Capital Markets Analysts who are looking for change in volume of goods shipped
Discover what products and companies will be moving container shipments 30-90 days in the future with goods identified
Evaluate supplier risk (i.e. sanctions, financial, ESG) in one's' own supply chain
Evaluate trade lane performance by carrier to select service providers

Gain Exclusive Beta Access

As a valued beta user, you'll be at the forefront of innovation, gaining exclusive access to TradeView before it hits the market. Join our beta program to experience firsthand the power and potential of our platform.

What the Beta Program Offers:

  • Early Access: Be among the first to explore and utilize TradeView Global Insights and Data Explorer features.some text
    • Beta Users will enjoy full access to TradeView for 14 days at no cost, with the option to continue at discounted pricing thereafter.
  • Direct Influence: Your feedback will shape the future of TradeView, ensuring that it meets the needs of businesses like yours.
  • Personalized Support: Our dedicated team will be on hand to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless beta experience.
  • Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead of the curve by leveraging TradeView to optimize your supply chain management strategies.

Expectations as a Beta User:

  • Exploration: Dive deep into the features and functionalities of TradeView to uncover its full potential.
  • Feedback: Share your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns with us regularly to help us refine and improve TradeView.some text
    • Commit to minimum one hour user interview during the 14 day trial period over video conference call
  • Patience: As we fine-tune and enhance TradeView based on your feedback, occasional updates and adjustments may be necessary. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work towards delivering the best possible product.

Ready to get started?

Seize this exclusive opportunity to revolutionize the way you monitor global trade. Join the TradeView beta program today and embark on a journey towards unparalleled visibility, efficiency, and success.

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Trusted by 40+ companies

blue shipping container with some Vizion information inside a bubble

Start Tracking Your Containers Now

Schedule time to talk to one of our ocean freight experts about getting complete, standardized and detailed tracking information for your containers.