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MSC Container Tracking in 2024: What Should Shippers Expect from MSC?

May 14, 2024

In 2018, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) equipped 50,000 of its shipping containers with internet-connected devices, marking a new era in MSC container tracking. MSC's smart containers track location, temperature, humidity, shock and vibration, and door opening and closing in real time for complete visibility.

Five years later, in 2023, MSC cemented its position as the world's biggest shipping line, having added more than 1 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent containers), having already overtaken Maersk in early 2022 to claim the crown of world's largest shipping company.

What is clear is that MSC's influence and significance across the shipping industry is setting the bar.

The company's sheer size and scale, its market presence, its container fleet, service reliability, investment in innovative technologies, strategic partnerships, its adaptability and resilience, and its facilitation of global trade, means that MSC is setting a standard for other shipping lines to follow.

Yet MSC's rise to the top is a far cry from its humble beginnings. The origin of the company is one of the great seafaring stories.

Founded by captain Gianluigi Aponte in Brussels in 1970, the MSC Group started with a single small cargo ship before growing in stature and diversifying to include a successful cruise line, passenger ferry services, plus an inland and port terminal infrastructure.

Arguably, much of the company's meteoric rise stems from its continued investment in container tracking, its industry-leading fleet expansion, and its adaptability. And even though MSC container tracking is among the crème de la crème of container traceability, there's more to come. So, what can be expected of MSC in 2024?

MSC Container Tracking in 2024

For 2024, MSC tracking and tracing of container shipments has undergone a series of enhancements to meet the changing needs of shippers in the golden age of digitalization.

MSC has stepped up its investment in innovative solutions to enhance its container tracking capabilities, keeping the MSC tracking system at the forefront of container traceability.

Evolution and Current State of MSC Container Tracking

Having only seriously invested in container tracking technology in 2018, MSC has been quick to go all in to give customers greater control and transparency over their shipments in 2024.

Specific innovations and improvements include:

Real-Time Visibility: MSC has made great strides in improving its container tracking capabilities to offer real-time visibility into the status and location of shipments. Integrating advanced tracking technologies and data systems means that shippers can access accurate, up-to-date information about their cargo's whereabouts, which makes for better planning and decision-making.

User-friendly interfaces: MSC has revamped its tracking portal with user-friendly interfaces, making it easier for shippers to find and access relevant information. Intuitive design features and streamlined workflows have helped to enhance the user experience for better interaction with MSC's tracking system.

Mobile accessibility: With shippers increasingly reliant on mobile devices for business operations, MSC has optimized its container tracking platform for mobile accessibility. Shippers can now track their shipments conveniently from smartphones and tablets, giving them on-the-go visibility and control.

Improved data accuracy: MSC has invested in data quality initiatives to improve the accuracy and reliability of tracking information. By using advanced data analytics and quality control measures, MSC delivers tracking data that is consistent, timely, and reflects the actual shipment status.

Integration with third-party services: MSC has expanded its integration capabilities to better connect with third-party tracking services and logistics platforms. By developing interoperability with external systems, shippers can consolidate tracking data from multiple sources, streamlining supply chain visibility and management.

For example, MSC's integration with Courier Tracking Finder, complements the company's tracking system and enhances accessibility for shippers.

Customization and personalization: Offering customization options within its tracking system, MSC equips shippers to tailor tracking preferences and notifications according to their specific requirements. Whether it's setting alerts for milestone events or customizing reporting formats, shippers have greater flexibility in managing their tracking preferences.

Compliance with industry standards: MSC ensures compliance with industry standards, specifically those set by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), to facilitate seamless data exchange and interoperability within the supply chain ecosystem. By adhering to standardized data formats and protocols, MSC promotes collaboration and data transparency across the shipping industry.

Impact of MSC Container Tracking on Shippers

The impact of MSC container tracking extends beyond the convenience of container traceability, it has a positive effect on entire supply chains. Accurate tracking data empowers shippers to optimize supply chain operations, minimize disruptions, and ensure timely deliveries.

By leveraging MSC's tracking capabilities, shippers gain insights into shipment progress, which paves the way for proactive decision-making and risk management.

Plus, with MSC sticking to Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) compliant API standards, the company creates a culture of safe data sharing across the supply chain.

Thanks to standardized data exchange protocols, MSC collaborates with stakeholders for better communication and process integration.

MSC's container tracking system has helped shippers rethink the way they manage their supply chains, empowering them with actionable insights, proactive decision-making capabilities, and enhanced risk management tools to deliver a unique customer experience.

Peak Season Differences in 2024

The nature of the shipping industry means that it's subject to seasonal fluctuations, with peak seasons presenting both challenges and opportunities for stakeholders.

Understanding Peak Season in Shipping

Peak seasons signal a heightened demand for shipping services, typically driven by factors such as holiday seasons or industry-specific trends. During peak seasons, shipping companies experience increased cargo volumes, leading to potential congestion and capacity constraints.

MSC’s Handling of Peak Season in 2024

In anticipation of peak season challenges, MSC implements strategic measures to mitigate disruptions and ensure service reliability. Recent advisories from MSC highlight the implementation of peak season surcharges and adjustments to trade routes, aimed at optimizing resource allocation and managing capacity constraints.

To address peak season demand fluctuations, MSC takes a multi-faceted approach to reduce the strain, including:

Capacity planning: By strategically allocating vessel capacity to high-demand routes and adjusting sailing schedules, MSC can accommodate peak season volumes.

Enhanced operations: MSC uses technology and operational efficiencies to streamline cargo handling processes and minimize turnaround times at ports.

Customer communication: By communicating proactively with shippers, and providing transparent updates on service adjustments, booking availability, and potential delays, MSC has a peak season protocol for keeping customers updated.

Collaboration: MSC collaborates with port authorities, terminal operators, and other stakeholders to optimize terminal operations and ease congestion during peak periods.

MSC’s Handling of Panama and Suez in 2024

MSC's operations in Panama are crucial to transoceanic trade, with the Panama Canal serving as a critical artery for global shipping routes.

Recent initiatives from MSC reflect their commitment to addressing challenges posed by transit slot limitations and increasing delays, including the introduction of Panama Canal surcharges.

In response to Panama-related challenges, MSC focuses on:

Route optimization: MSC looks at alternative routing options to mitigate Panama Canal congestion and minimize transit delays.

Cost management: By implementing surcharges and adjusting freight rates to reflect the increased costs associated with Panama Canal transit, MSC ensures financial sustainability amid operational challenges.

Customer support: MSC provides dedicated customer support channels to assist shippers with Panama Canal-related inquiries, offering guidance on route selection, scheduling, and cost implications.

MSC and the Suez Situation

With the Suez Canal serving as a vital link between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, it's the primary passage for a significant portion of global maritime trade.

MSC adapts its East-West network to navigate the complexities of the Suez situation, ensuring minimal disruption for shippers.

In response to the Suez situation, MSC focuses on:

Network redundancy: MSC diversifies its routing options and deploys contingency plans to minimize reliance on the Suez Canal route, mitigating the impact of potential disruptions.

Operational flexibility: By maintaining agility in fleet deployment and scheduling, MSC allows for fast adjustments in response to Suez-related developments.

Risk assessment: MSC conducts regular risk assessments and scenario planning exercises to anticipate potential Suez Canal closures or restrictions, enabling proactive risk management and business continuity planning.

What Shippers Should Expect from MSC in 2024

With global trade under close watch by governments and regulatory bodies, MSC remains focused on caring for its customers, employees, and the environment, delivering value through enhanced services and operational excellence.

Expectations from MSC in 2024 include:

  • Enhanced container tracking capabilities for improved visibility and transparency.
  • Strategic adjustments to accommodate peak season differences and mitigate supply chain risks.
  • Adaptive measures to address challenges posed by geopolitical and infrastructural developments, such as those in Panama and Suez.
  • Continued investment in digitalization initiatives to streamline processes and enhance customer experiences.
  • Heightened focus on sustainability practices to reduce environmental footprint and promote eco-friendly operations.

Vizion and MSC: A container shipping match made for success

The world's biggest shipping line + Vizion's industry-leading container tracking API = success for shippers.

MSC carries more TEU than any other company, meaning very few shippers will move containers worldwide without benefiting from enhanced MSC container tracking solutions. Combined with Vizion, shippers will know even more about their MSC containers.

Book a demo today to see the difference made by tracking MSC shipments using Vizion.

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MSC Container Tracking in 2024: What Should Shippers Expect from MSC?

May 14, 2024
MSC container tracking

In 2018, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) equipped 50,000 of its shipping containers with internet-connected devices, marking a new era in MSC container tracking. MSC's smart containers track location, temperature, humidity, shock and vibration, and door opening and closing in real time for complete visibility.

Five years later, in 2023, MSC cemented its position as the world's biggest shipping line, having added more than 1 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent containers), having already overtaken Maersk in early 2022 to claim the crown of world's largest shipping company.

What is clear is that MSC's influence and significance across the shipping industry is setting the bar.

The company's sheer size and scale, its market presence, its container fleet, service reliability, investment in innovative technologies, strategic partnerships, its adaptability and resilience, and its facilitation of global trade, means that MSC is setting a standard for other shipping lines to follow.

Yet MSC's rise to the top is a far cry from its humble beginnings. The origin of the company is one of the great seafaring stories.

Founded by captain Gianluigi Aponte in Brussels in 1970, the MSC Group started with a single small cargo ship before growing in stature and diversifying to include a successful cruise line, passenger ferry services, plus an inland and port terminal infrastructure.

Arguably, much of the company's meteoric rise stems from its continued investment in container tracking, its industry-leading fleet expansion, and its adaptability. And even though MSC container tracking is among the crème de la crème of container traceability, there's more to come. So, what can be expected of MSC in 2024?

MSC Container Tracking in 2024

For 2024, MSC tracking and tracing of container shipments has undergone a series of enhancements to meet the changing needs of shippers in the golden age of digitalization.

MSC has stepped up its investment in innovative solutions to enhance its container tracking capabilities, keeping the MSC tracking system at the forefront of container traceability.

Evolution and Current State of MSC Container Tracking

Having only seriously invested in container tracking technology in 2018, MSC has been quick to go all in to give customers greater control and transparency over their shipments in 2024.

Specific innovations and improvements include:

Real-Time Visibility: MSC has made great strides in improving its container tracking capabilities to offer real-time visibility into the status and location of shipments. Integrating advanced tracking technologies and data systems means that shippers can access accurate, up-to-date information about their cargo's whereabouts, which makes for better planning and decision-making.

User-friendly interfaces: MSC has revamped its tracking portal with user-friendly interfaces, making it easier for shippers to find and access relevant information. Intuitive design features and streamlined workflows have helped to enhance the user experience for better interaction with MSC's tracking system.

Mobile accessibility: With shippers increasingly reliant on mobile devices for business operations, MSC has optimized its container tracking platform for mobile accessibility. Shippers can now track their shipments conveniently from smartphones and tablets, giving them on-the-go visibility and control.

Improved data accuracy: MSC has invested in data quality initiatives to improve the accuracy and reliability of tracking information. By using advanced data analytics and quality control measures, MSC delivers tracking data that is consistent, timely, and reflects the actual shipment status.

Integration with third-party services: MSC has expanded its integration capabilities to better connect with third-party tracking services and logistics platforms. By developing interoperability with external systems, shippers can consolidate tracking data from multiple sources, streamlining supply chain visibility and management.

For example, MSC's integration with Courier Tracking Finder, complements the company's tracking system and enhances accessibility for shippers.

Customization and personalization: Offering customization options within its tracking system, MSC equips shippers to tailor tracking preferences and notifications according to their specific requirements. Whether it's setting alerts for milestone events or customizing reporting formats, shippers have greater flexibility in managing their tracking preferences.

Compliance with industry standards: MSC ensures compliance with industry standards, specifically those set by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA), to facilitate seamless data exchange and interoperability within the supply chain ecosystem. By adhering to standardized data formats and protocols, MSC promotes collaboration and data transparency across the shipping industry.

Impact of MSC Container Tracking on Shippers

The impact of MSC container tracking extends beyond the convenience of container traceability, it has a positive effect on entire supply chains. Accurate tracking data empowers shippers to optimize supply chain operations, minimize disruptions, and ensure timely deliveries.

By leveraging MSC's tracking capabilities, shippers gain insights into shipment progress, which paves the way for proactive decision-making and risk management.

Plus, with MSC sticking to Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) compliant API standards, the company creates a culture of safe data sharing across the supply chain.

Thanks to standardized data exchange protocols, MSC collaborates with stakeholders for better communication and process integration.

MSC's container tracking system has helped shippers rethink the way they manage their supply chains, empowering them with actionable insights, proactive decision-making capabilities, and enhanced risk management tools to deliver a unique customer experience.

Peak Season Differences in 2024

The nature of the shipping industry means that it's subject to seasonal fluctuations, with peak seasons presenting both challenges and opportunities for stakeholders.

Understanding Peak Season in Shipping

Peak seasons signal a heightened demand for shipping services, typically driven by factors such as holiday seasons or industry-specific trends. During peak seasons, shipping companies experience increased cargo volumes, leading to potential congestion and capacity constraints.

MSC’s Handling of Peak Season in 2024

In anticipation of peak season challenges, MSC implements strategic measures to mitigate disruptions and ensure service reliability. Recent advisories from MSC highlight the implementation of peak season surcharges and adjustments to trade routes, aimed at optimizing resource allocation and managing capacity constraints.

To address peak season demand fluctuations, MSC takes a multi-faceted approach to reduce the strain, including:

Capacity planning: By strategically allocating vessel capacity to high-demand routes and adjusting sailing schedules, MSC can accommodate peak season volumes.

Enhanced operations: MSC uses technology and operational efficiencies to streamline cargo handling processes and minimize turnaround times at ports.

Customer communication: By communicating proactively with shippers, and providing transparent updates on service adjustments, booking availability, and potential delays, MSC has a peak season protocol for keeping customers updated.

Collaboration: MSC collaborates with port authorities, terminal operators, and other stakeholders to optimize terminal operations and ease congestion during peak periods.

MSC’s Handling of Panama and Suez in 2024

MSC's operations in Panama are crucial to transoceanic trade, with the Panama Canal serving as a critical artery for global shipping routes.

Recent initiatives from MSC reflect their commitment to addressing challenges posed by transit slot limitations and increasing delays, including the introduction of Panama Canal surcharges.

In response to Panama-related challenges, MSC focuses on:

Route optimization: MSC looks at alternative routing options to mitigate Panama Canal congestion and minimize transit delays.

Cost management: By implementing surcharges and adjusting freight rates to reflect the increased costs associated with Panama Canal transit, MSC ensures financial sustainability amid operational challenges.

Customer support: MSC provides dedicated customer support channels to assist shippers with Panama Canal-related inquiries, offering guidance on route selection, scheduling, and cost implications.

MSC and the Suez Situation

With the Suez Canal serving as a vital link between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, it's the primary passage for a significant portion of global maritime trade.

MSC adapts its East-West network to navigate the complexities of the Suez situation, ensuring minimal disruption for shippers.

In response to the Suez situation, MSC focuses on:

Network redundancy: MSC diversifies its routing options and deploys contingency plans to minimize reliance on the Suez Canal route, mitigating the impact of potential disruptions.

Operational flexibility: By maintaining agility in fleet deployment and scheduling, MSC allows for fast adjustments in response to Suez-related developments.

Risk assessment: MSC conducts regular risk assessments and scenario planning exercises to anticipate potential Suez Canal closures or restrictions, enabling proactive risk management and business continuity planning.

What Shippers Should Expect from MSC in 2024

With global trade under close watch by governments and regulatory bodies, MSC remains focused on caring for its customers, employees, and the environment, delivering value through enhanced services and operational excellence.

Expectations from MSC in 2024 include:

  • Enhanced container tracking capabilities for improved visibility and transparency.
  • Strategic adjustments to accommodate peak season differences and mitigate supply chain risks.
  • Adaptive measures to address challenges posed by geopolitical and infrastructural developments, such as those in Panama and Suez.
  • Continued investment in digitalization initiatives to streamline processes and enhance customer experiences.
  • Heightened focus on sustainability practices to reduce environmental footprint and promote eco-friendly operations.

Vizion and MSC: A container shipping match made for success

The world's biggest shipping line + Vizion's industry-leading container tracking API = success for shippers.

MSC carries more TEU than any other company, meaning very few shippers will move containers worldwide without benefiting from enhanced MSC container tracking solutions. Combined with Vizion, shippers will know even more about their MSC containers.

Book a demo today to see the difference made by tracking MSC shipments using Vizion.